

A Late Night Stroll In Salcombe:

Posted on 24th May 2024

On a warm summer evening in Salcombe, the sky was painted with the soft hues of twilight as the sun dipped below the horizon. The bustling coastal town, known for its picturesque scenery and charming streets, began to quiet down as the day-trippers retreated to their homes and holiday cottages. This was the perfect time for a tranquil nighttime walk with my camera, allowing the beauty of Salcombe to be experienced in a different, almost magical light.

As I set out from the dockyard, the air was filled with the faint scent of salt and seaweed, mingling with the floral notes from the nearby fields. The streets, bathed in the glow of street lamps, had an inviting warmth, guiding my path through the sleepy town. The gentle lapping of waves against the boats moored in the harbour provided a soothing soundtrack to my walk.

I made my way from the dockyard to Whitestrand, where the yachts and fishing boats swayed gently in the tide. Their reflections shimmered on the water, creating a dance of light and colour. The shops and cafes that had buzzed with activity earlier in the day were now closed, their darkened windows offering a peek into another world that would come to life again with the morning sun.

As I walked along and down the ferry steps, I encountered a few fellow night wanderers – couples strolling hand in hand, their laughter and murmurs blending with the evening’s serenity. A lone fisherman, casting his line into the dark waters, nodded a silent greeting as I reached the landing. The night had a way of bringing people together in shared appreciation of the town’s quiet charm.

Continuing my walk towards Cliff Road, I ventured up past the cross that led away from the town. The houses here, with their painted walls and slate roofs, seemed almost like guardians of Salcombe’s rich history. Each one had its own story, hinted at by the eclectic mix of architectural details and the occasional burst of colourful flowers spilling from window boxes.

Just before reaching ‘that tree’ in the grounds of Woodcot, I was rewarded with a breathtaking view of the estuary, its waters now a deep, inky blue under the night sky. The moon, a silver crescent, cast a shimmering path across the surface, leading my eyes to Limebury Point across over the bar to Bolt Head framing this idyllic scene. The stars, scattered like diamonds, added to the sense of wonder and peace that enveloped me.

As I carried on my journey towards Fort Charles and down to North Sands, I couldn’t help but feel a deep sense of contentment. Salcombe, in its nighttime splendour, had revealed a quieter, more introspective side. The town’s beauty was not just in its bustling daytime activities but also in these serene moments with the night sky that offered a chance to reflect and connect with the natural world.

Heading on up over the hill and down towards South Sands, I paused for a moment not just to catch my breath, I paused to take in the peaceful silence and millions of stars when I looked up through the trees towards the sky. The nighttime walk had been a reminder of the simple joys that could be found in exploring the world at a slower pace, appreciating the gentle rhythms of life by the sea.


A walk that I would recommend, a walk that my family and camera have done many times since. X

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